Acupuncture for Ulcers
about 20 million Americans will develop an ulcer during their life. Acupuncture for ulcers can help relieve suffering for those enduring this painful condition.
Peptic ulcers are open sores that form on the inside lining of the stomach, esophagus, or duodenum (the first part of the intestine). Contrary to popular belief, spicy foods and stress do not lead to ulcers. Instead, peptic ulcers are usually caused by bacterial infections or frequent use of medications like ibuprofen, potassium supplements, or certain prescription medications used to treat osteoporosis.
The most common symptom of each kind of peptic ulcer is abdominal pain, which can be intensified by stomach acid coming into contact with the ulcerated area. This pain is known to:
Feel worse when your stomach is empty
Be felt from your navel to your breastbone
Be temporarily eased by acid-reducing medication or foods that protect against stomach acid
Feel worse at night
Disappear and then return for a few days or weeks
It’s possible for acupuncture to significantly reduce the pain associated with ulcers; for many people, one or two treatment sessions a week can make the pain tolerable and thus ease anxiety about when the next flare up will occur. Acupuncture can also be used to treat a variety of gastrointestinal diseases that relate to ulcers. Among other things, it can reduce inflammation of the GI tract, improve delayed gastric emptying, and improve acid secretion. And the benefits of using acupuncture as an ulcer treatment even extend beyond pain and symptom relief . One study of needle therapy treatment for duodenal ulcers found that three weeks of needle therapy treatment prompted to finish recuperation in 76 percent of the patients.
In light of the methods of insight of Chinese medication, needle therapy treatment for ulcers concentrates on re-building up the body's Qi, or vitality. This can mean tending to specific organs or territories of the body that are most affected by ulcers—something that would be dictated by a talented acupuncturist after a point by point discussion with the patient about his/her particular circumstance.
Similarly as with all needle therapy, the treatment of ulcers is done on a case by case premise, controlled by a patient's age, indications, foundation, and ulcer area. Your acupuncturist may likewise exhort way of life changes like stopping smoking, restricting liquor consumption, picking a solid eating routine, and exchanging torment relievers. Furthermore, however push does not bring about a ulcer, it can compound the manifestations—so patients may find that anxiety alleviating propensities like contemplation can significantly enhance both their side effects and the viability of needle therapy medicines.
Western treatment of ulcers by and large incorporates solution in light of the reason for the ulcer: anti-infection agents that battle bacterial diseases, meds that piece or decrease corrosive creation, acid neutralizers, and medicines that secure the coating of the stomach and small digestive tract. Despite the fact that these alternatives can create positive results, they require tolerance, may just focus on a few side effects, and can be joined by undesirable reactions. In case you're keen on corresponding or option needle therapy treatment, Acupuncture Associates can give an appraisal of your issues and examine how needle therapy can offer assistance.
Contact us to schedule your appointment.
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